
Water Savings Calculator

Start New Estimate

Step 1: Contact Information

Company Name

Your Name

Email Address


Step 2: Property Details

Property Name

Street Address



Postal Code

Step 3: Water Usage Estimates

Measurement Type

Irrigated Area

Only include the acreage/sqft which contain irrigation. Do not include entire the property size

Water Cost per 1000 Gal.

The default is set to the national average cost of water. If you know the average water rate for your site please enter it here. If not, the default will be applied as the water rate.

Calculation Method

Annual Irrigation Water Used (Gal)

Please enter only the irrigation water used onsite. Do not include indoor usage if possible.

Annual Irrigation Water Cost

Please enter only the cost of the irrigation water used. Do not include other water charges, sewer charges or other fee’s associated with the water bill.

Step 4: Estimated Payback Period (optional)

Proposal Price

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This information is for general estimate purposes only. Weathermatic gives no guarantee of water savings as many variables must be considered to perform a detailed water savings analysis. For full water savings analysis from Weathermatic, contact

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